Magic Ability: Necromage A look at the Necromage ability in Ultima Online and how it works on pets. Tags Magics Necromage
Magic Ability: Mysticism A look at the Mysticism Magical Ability in Ultima Online and how it works on pets. Tags Magics Mysticism
Magic Ability: Spellweaving A look at the Spellweaving Magical Ability in Ultima Online and how it works on pets. Tags Magics Spellweaving
Magic Ability: Bushido A look at the Bushido Magical Ability in Ultima Online and how it works on pets. Tags Magics Bushido
Pet Intensity Comparison A sortable table that displays all Bestiary pets spawn intensity range and trained intensity ranges.
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New Trainable Pet: Triton (Updated) Publish 104 is bringing with it a new trainable pet: The Triton. Tags Publish 104 Triton
Pet Damage Types and Resist Spreads An easy to view and sortable table of Ultima Online pet damage types and resist spreads. Tags Foundations