Ultima Online Event: Eclipsed Dawn
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Eclipsed Dawn Event Info
Eclipsed Dawn is the last event in a the event arc "Echoes of the Blighted Realm".
~~ CURRENTLY ON TC1 ~~This is event is scheduled to go live February 25, 2025.
Champion SpawnA new Champion Spawn is available in Ter Mur. There is a moongate to the SW of the Royal City in Ter Mur that will take you to the Void Island where the champion spawn is located.
The Champion Spawn has a custom altar of a Decaying Yew Tree surrounded by Runestones. The Runestones will light up and animate as the spawn progresses (just like candles normally would).
There are 2 Boss Monsters for this champion spawn. The Bosses are immune when summoned. Once the Bosses are summoned, the Runestones become attackable. All 16 Runestones must be destroyed in order to make the Bosses vulnerable.
Vorothal the Mindflayer is a magical caster with magery and necromancy. Moltrog the Void Seer is a more melee focused boss.
Both Bosses have Fiendish Calling on them, which can summon Shadow Gazers that shoot laser beams at you from range.
Shadowblight BloomsShadowblight Blooms are the participation reward for progressing the Champion Spawn waves. They come in a variety of style and colors.
RewardsIf you get looting rights on the boss, you are guaranteed to receive a special reward.
Additional Screenshots
Book of Lore