Cu Sidhe Color Chart
Below is a visual comparison of the various Cu Sidhe colors from Ultima Online along with their Hue ID and color name.
The spawn probability is also included, which is based on information given by former UO Dev Leurocian back in 2007.
We do not know if these probabilities are still 100% accurate, so use your best judgement.
Original/Plain Color Extremely Common - (84%) |
Agapite / Rose - Hue #2426 Uncommon - 1 in 47 (2.1%) |
Bronze - Hue #2218 Uncommon - 1 in 47 (2.1%) |
Copper - Hue #1447 Uncommon - 1 in 47 (2.1%) |
Dull Copper - Hue #2424 Uncommon - 1 in 47 (2.1%) |
Grey - Hue #2305 Uncommon - 1 in 47 (2.1%) |
Echo Blue - Hue #1319 Uncommon - 1 in 47 (2.1%) |
Valorite Blue - Hue #2220 Uncommon - 1 in 47 (2.1%) |
Sky Blue - Hue #1301 Rare - 1 in 476 (0.2%) |
Ice Blue - Hue #1154 Rare - 1 in 476 (0.2%) |
Pink - Hue #1201 Rare - 1 in 476 (0.2%) |
Red - Hue #1652 Rare - 1 in 476 (0.2%) |
Black - Hue #1109 Rare - 1 in 476 (0.2%) |
Pure White - Hue #1153 Rare 1 in 476 (0.2%) |
Blaze - Hue #1161 Extremely Rare 1 in 23301 (0.004%) |
Additional Information
The spawn information for Cu Sidhe's is taken from an old post UO Dev Leurocian made on Stratics (link).
This post outlined all available Cu Colors, their rarity, and their Hue ID.
Unfortunately these Hue ID's corresponded to an old UO color system called the "Inside UO Hue List".
A lot of these Hue's have since been changed slightly with the current Hue System.
For example, the original Hue ID's given for Cu's are as follows:
2422, 2424, 2303, 2218, 1445, 1317, 1152, 1151, 1650, 1199, 1299, 1107, 1159
If you compare these original Hue IDs to the list above, you will see that most of them are different (but very close). The Hue IDs listed above are taken directly from the game using the EC client, so they are accurate.
Most of these hues are easy to associate with their color name, but since colors like "Sky Blue", "Echo Blue", and "Valorite" are player named colors, the problem now exists in properly associating these colors with the new Hue IDs in the game.
From going around to various shards and looking at various Cu's people have and are selling, it is painfully clear that players cannot agree on which color is which. I've seen Echo Blue's listed as Valorite's, Valorite's listed as Sky Blue, Sky Blue listed as Echo Blue, etc. It was actually very rare to find a Blue Cu properly labeled.
The biggest error seems to be associated with the Valorite and Sky Blue colors.
If you look at the original Hue IDs given by Leurocian:
Hue 1299 was Blue #0
Hue 1317 was Blue #18
Hue 2218 was Slimes #19
The actual Hue IDs for these Cu's now is as follows:
Hue 1299 is now Hue 1301, Blue #1
Hue 1317 is now Hue 1319, Blue #19
Hue 2218 is now Hue 2220, Slimes #20 (also known as Valorite Dye Tub)
So we can safely associate Hue 2220 as a Valorite Cu.
"Echo Blue" has always been the darkest Blue, so we can associate 1317 with Echo Blue.
This leaves Hue 1301 as Sky Blue.
Using this information, I actually propose that Sky Blue is the rarest of the 3 Blue colors and not Valorite.
However, whatever you decide to call the color the Hue ID 1301 is the least common of the 3 based my Guild's experience mass taming Cu Sidhes and looking across many shards.