Pet Magical Ability: Necromancy
Necromancy is a Magical Ability with decent AoE abilities and many debuffs.
Magical Ability Name: | Necromancy |
Training Restrictions: | Pet needs to be Necromantic |
Training Cost: | 1501 (500 for Necromancy, 1000 for Spirit Speak, 1 to activate) or 1 Point to activate (if creature has innate Necromancy) |
Cost to Scroll to 120 Skill: | 100 Necromancy 200 Spirit Speak |
Additional Specials Added: | None |
Additional Skills Added: | None |
Passives: | None |
Utilized Abilities: | Blood Oath Corpse Skin* Evil Omen Mind Rot Pain Spike Poison Strike Strangle Wither Spirit Speak |
Blood Oath | |||||||
Corpse Skin | |||||||
Evil Omen | |||||||
Mind Rot | |||||||
Pain Spike | |||||||
Poison Strike | |||||||
Strangle | |||||||
Wither | |||||||
Spirit Speak | |||||||