Posted on: Sat, 04/13/2019 - 05:12 By: Khyro

Pet Magical Ability: Necromancy


Necromancy is a Magical Ability with decent AoE abilities and many debuffs.

Magical Ability Name:  Necromancy
Training Restrictions:  Pet needs to be Necromantic
Training Cost:  1501 (500 for Necromancy, 1000 for Spirit Speak, 1 to activate)
or 1 Point to activate (if creature has innate Necromancy)
Cost to Scroll to 120 Skill:  100 Necromancy
200 Spirit Speak
Additional Specials Added:  None
Additional Skills Added:  None
Passives:  None
Utilized Abilities:  Blood Oath
Corpse Skin*
Evil Omen
Mind Rot
Pain Spike
Poison Strike
Spirit Speak

Blood Oath

Blood Oath

Cost: 13 Mana
Description: Temporarily creates a dark pact between the caster and the target. Any damage dealt by the target to the caster is increased, but the target receives the same amount of damage.

Blood Oath will reflect a portion of damage back the attacker for the duration of the spell.

Appearance: Blood Oath appears as a black cloud of smoke over the caster and the target.

Corpse Skin

Corpse Skin

Cost: 11 Mana
Description: Transforms the flesh of the target creature or player to resemble rotted corpse flesh, making them more vulnerable to Fire and Poison damage, but increasing their resistance to Physical and Cold damage. Fire and Poison resist each reduced by 15, physical and cold resist each increased by 10.

Corpse Skin is only cast by pets that do not have the majority of their melee damage as Physical/Cold damage.

Appearance: Corpse Skin appears as a black/green cloud of smoke over the target.

Evil Omen
Evil Omen
Cost: 11 Mana
Description: Amplifies the effect of the next hostile strike

Evil Omen causes the target to take 25% increased damage on the next hostile attack, increase the level of poison applied by 1, or reduce the targets Resisting Spells by 50% (in calculation only) the next time they try to resist a spell.

Appearance: Evil Omen appears as a bright blue/white orb over the target.

Mind Rot


Mind Rot

Cost: 17 Mana
Description: The receiver of this curse has difficulty thinking, making all abilities that require Mana more expensive.

Mind Rot will cause the target's spells and abilities to cost 25% more mana for the duration.

Appearance: Mind Rot appears as a large red/white sparkle over the target.

Pain Spike
Pain Spike
Cost: 5 Mana
Description: Brings a jolt of temporary pain down upon your enemy. Damage is temporary and will wear off after 10 seconds.

Pain Spike deals Direct Damage (meaning it bypasses all Resistances).

After Pain Spike wears off, some of the damage dealt from Pain Spike will be returned to the target.

Additional casts of Pain Spike while the target is already under the effect of Pain Spike will do minor damage and increase the duration of Pain Spike by 2 seconds.

Appearance: Pain Spike appears as a large red starburst that transitions into a red skull.

Poison Strike
Poison Strike
Cost: 5 Mana
Description: Creates a blast of poisonous energy centered on the target. The main target is inflicted with a large amount of Poison damage, and all valid targets in a radius around the main target are inflicted with a lesser effect.

Poison Strike is a fairly weak AoE ability.

If your pet also has Poisoning skill (either Innately, or from overriding the Poisoning Ability), Poison Strike will also have a chance to inflict Poisoning when cast.

Appearance:  There does not appear to be a graphic for Poison Strike in the EC. In the CC, Poison Strike looks like a green explosion cloud.

Cost: 17 Mana
Description: Temporarily chokes off the air supply of the target with poisonous fumes. The target is inflicted with Poison damage over time. The amount of damage dealt each "hit" is based off the caster's Spirit Speak skill and the target's current Stamina.

Strangle applies a damage over time effect that does poison damage (but is not considered a poison). The lower the target's stamina (compared to their max), the more damage Strangle does.

Appearance: Strangle appears as a swirling group of green orbs over the target.

Cost: 23 Mana
Description: Creates a withering frost around the caster, which does Cold Damage to all valid targets in a radius.

Wither does moderate AoE damage to all targets around your pet.

Appearance: Wither has no graphic in the EC. In the CC, Wither appears as a blue tornado centered over the caster.

Spirit Speak
Spirit Speak
Cost: 10 Mana Minimum (if no available corpses)

The Spirit Speak skill is used to heal the caster by channeling spiritual energy. Spiritual energy can be channeled from either a corpse or the caster using the skill. If a corpse is not available, then the caster will channel their own energy by draining their mana.


Pets will cast Spirit Speak when they are low on health.

Spirit Speak heals a minimum based on the Fame of the creature channeled (41 against a 20,000 Fame corpse), and a maximum based on the Spirit Speak skill (60 at 120 skill).

Appearance: Spirit Speak will appear as the "Anh Mi Sah Ko" word of power over your pet. If there are any corpses nearby, they will turn grey once channeled.