ClassicUO Web Client
The Classic Ultima Online Web Client is a new way to connect to Ultima Online's official shards. This OSI sanctioned client lets you play UO right in your browser or via an app on your desktop through Google Chrome.
First, go to and hit Play Now. If you don’t have a Discord account, you’ll need to create one.
Discord is a modern internet chat program that is also being used to manage your user and macro files for WebCUO. This is kind of a two-fer: you’re getting a free modern web client that works on PC and Apple computers and you can join the various player-run Ultima Online Discord channels and chat with players across the world.
Once you’ve authenticated your Discord account to the WebCUO you login to UO like normal. Just input your name and password and you’re off to Britannia.
What follows is a selection of some of the quality-of-life improvements in the CUO Web client. This post attempts only to show off some of these features. For specific information on where to set these options up, explore the CUO Web Client’s options page or their Discord channel.
First, the client features expandable FPS options, from 10 to 250:
(This is 60 FPS)
The client’s play area is customizable for every monitor resolution and shape:
You can also zoom in or out of your play area to see the wider landscape when you play (very handy for placing houses):
The CUO Web Client also offers some expanded visual options, like shadows on rocks and trees for a more vibrant Britannia:
One of my favorite new quality-of-life features is single-click looting:
Paperdoll gumps have all worn items displayed letting you quickly check durability:
Icons on your screen can be linked and unlocked, keeping your UI nice and tidy:
The CUO Web client allows for counters which can keep track of consumables like arrows, bandages, and petals:
When facing multiple foes, you can click-drag a box to open the health bars of multiple targets:
Doors can open automatically:
The macro interface is way more intuitive than the original classic client, letting you quickly create and assign hotkeys:
All of this customization lives within profiles that can be easily selected from your User Icon in the Classic UO Web client:
Grid backpacks and other different visual ways of viewing containers are available:
You can also search within these containers:
To install the CUO Web Client as an app on your desktop, follow these steps: