Posted on: Wed, 06/20/2018 - 05:18 By: Khyro

Pet Ability Mana Costs


In Pub 100 they added the mana cost to the training information for pet abilities. We have compiled a list of all mana costs here:


Special Abilities
Ability Name Mana Cost
Angry Fire 30
Conductive Blast 30
Dragon Breath 30
Grasping Claw 30
Inferno 30
Life Leech 5
Lightning Force 30
Mana Drain 30
Raging Breath 30
Repel 30
Rune Corruption 30
Searing Wounds 25
Steal Life 30
Sticky Skin 5
Tail Swipe 30
Venomous Bite 30
Vicious Bite 20


Special Moves
Ability Name Mana Cost
Cold Wind 30
Nerve Strike 30
Talon Strike 20
Concussion Blow 20
Psychic Attack 25
Armor Ignore 30
Bladeweave 15
Feint 30
Bleed 30
Crushing Blow 20
Dismount 25
Force of Nature 35
Armor Pierce 30
Frenzied Whirlwind 20
Mortal Strike 30
Paralyze 30
Whirlwind Attack 15
Block 20
Disarm 20


Area of Effect Abilities
Ability Name Mana Cost
Aura of Energy 20
Aura of Nausea 100
Essence of Disease 20
Essence of Earth 20
Explosive Goo 30
Poison Breath 50