Ultima Online: Soulless Seduction
The Second Event of Ultima Online Publish 110: Soulless Seduction
This guide will be updated as new information surrounding this event is discovered.
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This guide contains spoilers for the entire quest!
Do not continue if you prefer to complete this on your own!
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Table of Contents
Quest: A Favor For The Gargoyle
Quest: Where is Yukio?
Quest: A Favor For The Gargoyle
This quest chain starts with a post on the Town Cryer:
You can talk to several people in the area, try "Greeting" them:
Hmm... This Alchemist isn't that big of a fan of Gargish Imbuing, better keep an eye on him...
However, that Artifact Hunter looks interesting, maybe we can strike up a conversation with them...
Head to Bath House on Buccaneer's Den:
Let's see if anyone feels chatty!
"Ghorza and Dura":
Zeamina looks familiar! Let's try talking to her:
Head over to the Black Market Vendor and pick up a Hook's Treasure Map for the paltry amount of 150,000 Doubloons.
(See Guide Here on Acquiring Doubloons: Rising Tide Event Guide)
Mark the Map as a Quest Item and return to Zeamina:
You get a reward item and a set of coordinates claimed to have lots of treasure!
The coordinates lead to Amoeba Island:
Looks like Zeamina beat us to the Treasure! Drat!
Let's talk to her, maybe she will give us some of the loot!
"Treasure Map":
Hmm, but upon further investigation... Something shiny left on the ground...
Double-Clicking it gives you a "Tin of Trinkets" item.
Hmm, maybe they are worth something?! Let's to find Arturio in Moonglow!
Hmm, looks like Arturio has gone off to the Trinsic Toy Shop:
Lots of neat items here, but unfortunately no Arturio.
Let's see if we can talk to anyone.
Let's head to King Blackthorn's Castle and have a look at the new Kennel!
How cute! Maybe Blackthorn will talk about his new puppies some...
Which also triggers a special cameo!
It would be rude not to talk to an Emissary of Tokuno.
We have a location for Yukio's Studio, let's head that way and investigate!
In the right spot, "Greetings" can get a response from Ryder!
Quest: Where is Yukio?
Note: This quest is repeatable
Yukio's studio can be found near the Mansion on the lower-half of the Isamu-Jima Island:
Let's approach the people here and see if anyone will talk.
Talk to Yokami The Investigator to start the quest:
The quest is pretty straight-forward, you have a long list of creatures to kill. All of which can be found on the Tokuno Islands.
Return to Yokami The Investigator when you have killed all the required mobs to receive a random Reward.
You will receive one of the following items as a Reward.
The quest can be repeated.
Yukio's Earrings
Broken Power Crystal
Yukio's Glassblowing Tools
Dissected Small Animal Corpse
Yukio's Abacus
Yukio's Bonsai
Dissection Kit
Yukio's Crucible