Posted on: Tue, 05/15/2018 - 20:02 By: Khyro

Mana Regen Requirements for Taming Masteries


This article is designed to help you decide how much mana regen you should run on your taming template, based around which masteries you are planning to use.

The mastery abilities use different mana per tick, based on your combined real skill level of Animal Taming and Animal Lore. 

If you want to skip the detailed information and just want to know if you can run Consume indefinitely, go to the Mastery Mana Regen Calculator.

Below are tables of testing done with different real skill values:

90 Animal Taming with Animal Lore Stepping
Real Skill Value Mastery Cost Per Tick
Animal Taming Animal Lore Consume Empowerment Berserk As One
90 90 12 12 12 24
90 95 12 12 12 24
90 100 12 12 12 24
90 105 12 12 12 24
90 110 12 12 12 24
90 115 12 12 12 24
90 120 10 10 10 20


Animal Taming Stepping with 90 Animal Lore
Real Skill Value Mastery Cost Per Tick
Animal Taming Animal Lore Consume Empowerment Berserk As One
90 90 12 12 12 24
95 90 12 12 12 24
100 90 12 12 12 24
105 90 10 10 10 20
110 90 10 10 10 20
115 90 10 10 10 20
120 90 8 8 8 16


Animal Taming Stepping with 120 Animal Lore
Real Skill Value Mastery Cost Per Tick
Animal Taming Animal Lore Consume Empowerment Berserk As One
90 120 10 10 10 20
95 120 10 10 10 20
100 120 10 10 10 20
105 120 8 8 8 16
110 120 8 8 8 16
115 120 8 8 8 16
120 120 6 6 6 12


120 Animal Taming with Animal Lore Stepping
Real Skill Value Mastery Cost Per Tick
Animal Taming Animal Lore Consume Empowerment Berserk As One
120 90 8 8 8 16
120 95 8 8 8 16
120 100 8 8 8 16
120 105 8 8 8 16
120 110 8 8 8 16
120 115 8 8 8 16
120 120 6 6 6 12


Synchronized Stepping of Animal Lore and Animal Taming
Real Skill Value Mastery Cost Per Tick
Animal Taming Animal Lore Consume Empowerment Berserk As One
90 90 12 12 12 24
95 95 12 12 12 24
100 100 10 10 10 20
105 105 10 10 10 20
110 110 8 8 8 16
115 115 8 8 8 16
120 120 6 6 6 12


Alternate Stepping - Animal Lore Before Animal Taming
Real Skill Value Mastery Cost Per Tick
Animal Taming Animal Lore Consume Empowerment Berserk As One
90 95 12 12 12 24
95 100 12 12 12 24
100 105 10 10 10 20
105 110 10 10 10 20
110 115 8 8 8 16
115 120 8 8 8 16


Alternate Stepping - Animal Taming Before Animal Lore
Real Skill Value Mastery Cost Per Tick
Animal Taming Animal Lore Consume Empowerment Berserk As One
95 90 12 12 12 24
100 95 12 12 12 24
105 100 10 10 10 20
110 105 10 10 10 20
115 110 8 8 8 16
120 115 8 8 8 16


Lowest Combinations To Achieve A "Medium" Cost (8/16)
Real Skill Value Mastery Cost Per Tick
Animal Taming Animal Lore Consume Empowerment Berserk As One
120 90 8 8 8 16
115 100 8 8 8 16
110 110 8 8 8 16


Things to Note:

  • The game appears to only calculate in 5% intervals. For determining mastery cost 119.9% is equal to 115%.
  • Only a real skill of 120 Taming and 120 Lore will yield the cheapest mastery cost. 119.9% Lore with 120% taming would yield a "Medium" cost still.
  • All masteries cost the same, except for "As One", which is always doubled.

Interpreting the Data

As you can see, there can be quite a difference in the upkeep cost based on skill level, and it takes into account only your natural skill level for the purpose of mana upkeep.

There are effectively 3 Tiers to Mastery Mana Cost. I will refer to these as follows:

  • Low Cost: This is the best tier and is only achievable with 120/120. The mana cost in this tier is 6/12.
  • Medium Cost: This tier falls in the middle and is achievable with a wide range of skills (see tables above). The mana cost in this tier is 8/16.
  • High Cost: This is the worst tier and is what you will have if you are just starting to level your taming skills above 90. The mana cost in this tier is 12/24.

The numbers provided in the table above are the base cost of that tier for each mastery. LMC bonuses will apply to the tick value.

Determining the Actual Mana Cost

Take the tick value, and apply LMC to it (we will use 40%), this makes the ticks look like this:

Mana Cost Per Tick (40% LMC)
Mastery Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost
Consume 3.6 4.8 6
Empowerment 3.6 4.8 6
Berserk 3.6 4.8 6
As One 7.2 9.6 12


A "Tick" appears to occur every 2 seconds. Using the Tick rate, you can now calculate your Cost Per Second (CPS):

Mana Cost Per Second (CPS)
Mastery Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost
Consume 1.8 2.4 3
Empowerment 1.8 2.4 3
Berserk 1.8 2.4 3
As One 3.6 4.8 6


Determining How Much Mana Regen You Need

If we take the information gained from the tables above, we can calculate the Mana Per Second (MPS) required by using our Mana Regen Calculator

To keep Consume, Berserk, or Empowerment running indefinitely, you need 1.8 MPS. This can be achieved with 150 Int and 21 MR as a human. Elves have it harder, as even with 150 Int and 30 MR, you would only get 1.72 MPS, requiring you to commit at least 10 points into Meditation in order to achieve enough MPS.

To Keep As One running indefinitely, you need 3.6 MPS, which is a tall order. This would require around 120 Med, 115 Focus, 150 Int, 30 MR. A very costly build, skill-wise.

I always recommend getting more mana regen than is required, because if you need to cure, heal, invis, etc. you want to be able to slowly regenerate mana. If you spec for only the exact amount of mana regen needed to permanently consume, you will eventually run out of mana with an occasional cast.